P is for Patient FormsRead and sign our Patient Agreement form. Then just fax or mail it to us and we’ll get started. Here's our long-term Storage Agreement. Ordering is easy. Simply choose a donor from our donor list and click on the shopping cart to order. You can even call us at 866-366-6777 and we’ll be happy to guide you through the process. If you plan to pick up your samples at our office, or need us to ship them to a non-medical clinic, have your doctor or someone authorized to perform donor insemination fill out this Release Authorization. How do you protect donor and patient privacy?Under the strict anonymity provisions of Danish law, a donor who passes all tests and is accepted into our program is thereafter known to us only by an ID number. His profile is given a pseudonym. Finally, our clients are known only to the clinic where they receive treatment.
P is also for Photo MatchingAfter you’ve developed a ‘short list’ of donors (between two to five individuals, usually) you may submit personal photos to be used by our staff in selecting the donors who most resemble you. If there is no clear match between your photos and those of your donors, we will suggest other donors who may be a better match. What about half-siblings?Since we follow the guidelines of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, we limit the number of donor offspring in a particular geographical region to about one in 32,000. This way, your child is unlikely to encounter a half-sibling later in life. What about storage and shipping?We
also use the latest liquid nitrogen storage systems, and studies have shown that the shelf life of sperm stored this way is more than 28 years. Choosing a clinic?IVF Worldwide Sart.org (find the clinic nearest to your zip code) Will my health insurance cover this?More and more insurance companies are willing to cover some of the expense of fertility treatment. Contact your provider for details. We will provide you with a detailed statement of services rendered, which will help when filing claim forms with your insurer.
What’s a Known Donor?At Cryos, many of our donors prefer to retain complete anonymity, signing a contract that does not allow us to reveal their identities to any one, for any reason. But a growing number of our donors have elected to participate in our new Known Donor program. Known Donors agree to allow Cryos to reveal their personal information – name, birth date, full profile and contact information – to adults conceived using their donor sperm. This information can be released to the offspring when he or she turns 18, upon written request. Please note that this information will not be released to anyone else, and no personal or contact details for the offspring will be revealed to the donor. Of course, offspring who obtain contact information for their donor may choose not to make contact, and a donor located through the Known Donors program cannot be required to meet any offspring, but many donors who have chosen to participate like the idea that their offspring will have access to genetic details and other information not available to those conceived through the more typical anonymous donor procedure. A donor’s participation in the Known Donor program is indicated on his extended profile and other appropriate areas throught the Cryos web site. Baby links The Baby Corner (great message boards)
Fertile Thoughts (very informative)
Other links Fertell - At-home fertility test for men and women (Assess key elements of male and female fertility by measuring sperm and egg health in the comfort of home. Results in under 90 minutes.)
Extraordinary Conceptions (Egg donation, egg donors, surrogacy, New York licensed)
Women Health Links (Directory of Women's Health Links)
D is for Donor Profiles For $25, you can have six months’ worth of unlimited access to our extended donor profiles. Our extended profiles include details about each donor’s physical appearance, educational background, interests, family history, medical conditions and a handwritten message from the donor.
For a quick overview of our donors, browse our donor catalog. It shows the general characteristics of our donors, it’s updated weekly, and it’s free.
Check this out: you can download a hypothetical extended donor profile.