How do I order samples?First, you’ll need to download, read and sign our patient agreement form. Then just fax or mail it to us and we’ll get started. We’ve made ordering easy. Simply choose a donor from our donor list and click on the shopping cart to order. Or you can call us at 866-366-6777 and we’ll help you through the process. If you plan to pick up your samples at our office, or need us to ship them to a non-medical clinic, have your doctor or someone authorized to perform donor insemination fill out this release authorization. How many straws will I need?The small tubes that contain your samples are known as ‘straws.’ Typically, two straws’ worth of sperm are used per ovulation cycle, and four or five cycles of treatment are usually required before pregnancy occurs. We offer free shipping for orders of six straws or more within the United States, and for foreign orders of 12 straws or more. You may also wish to purchase and store straws from the same donor for future siblings. We use the latest liquid nitrogen storage systems, and studies have shown that the shelf life of sperm stored this way is more than 20 years.
Why are there two kinds of straws?That’s because there are two kinds of insemination technique: intracervical (ICI) and intrauterine (IUI). IUI is the most common procedure and can be performed with either kind of straw, though ICI straws will require a minor amount of extra preparation by your clinic when used for an IUI. How do my straws travel?Your straws will travel via FedEx, in a aluminum-clad, liquid nitrogen-filled shipping flask chilled to minus 320 degrees Fahrenheit. After arrival, your clinic will transfer the straws to their storage facilities. We use Cryo Bio System® high security straws. With features like contamination-proof, tamper-proof end caps and a special internal compartment for ID tags, these straws are the only system approved by the FDA for sperm storage. We guarantee arrival in four days, but it’s a good idea to order well in advance of your treatment so your samples will be ready when you are.
What are the requirements for shipping outside the United States?The requirements are similar to the U.S. Your straws can be delivered to a physician, authorized medical staff or institutions approved for therapeutic treatment with donor semen. If delivery is to your home you’ll need to have a doctor or registered nurse fill out and return the forms listed at the top of this section. Duties and taxes may apply to your international shipment. These are not included in our shipping fee. The fee amount is determined by the country to which it is being shipped and must be paid by the client/recipient. The fee is normally paid directly to customs or the customs broker prior to release of the package. In some cases the fee can be billed to you later. Please inform your doctor or the clinic’s facility about the requirements and consult with customs to avoid package release delays.
What if the donor I want is in short supply?All donations are held in quarantine for six months, while we test and re-test both donation and donor. If this causes a problem for your schedule, we can help you reserve or pre-purchase those straws. If a donor on our list has zero straws available he is still an active donor but we are waiting for more straws to be released. Free shipping.In the USA:
One free shipping on orders of $1650 and over. International:
One free shipping on orders of $3300 and over. Cryos New York L.L.C.90 Maiden Lane Suite 302 New York, NY 10038 212-430-5950
866-366-6777 (toll free)
917-591-4227 (fax)