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Oklahoma politicians.Senator Inhofe, (R) Big Oil, and Representative Bridenstine, (R) Hobby Lobby.

I once fell off a motorcycle and it hurt.

Drawing is my second-favorite activity. My third-favorite thing was motocross racing. See above. Facing retirement at 19, I decided to get my kicks somewhere other than Route 66. Adios Oklahoma and hello New York City, 1982, where pit bulls outnumbered people.

One hour, one morning. Illustration or logo? Beats me.

SCSI was an acronym for Small Computer System Interface except when you messed it up. Then it meant Screaming Crying Shouting Insanity.

I bought an old Italian motorcycle. It's like a jukebox. I pour money in, gorgeous sounds come out.

Good goofy fun for a maker of rude t-shirts sold in America's finer truck stops.


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