Before they had a second-hand store
this church was an integral part of the Underground Railroad.

Long name but a simple logo for a great organization.

Evoke “generosity” atop the existing four-color logo for Brooklyn Heights' famous Plymouth Church.

I love logos on old cars but I wondered: what if cars were governed by the truth-in-packaging laws?

Logos for Launch, a caterer; State Beauty Supply; a maker of toddler apparel; Frank Tolbert's Texas Chili Parlors; Computer Equality Coalition; a hatmaker; Asterisk Editorial Services; a software company; a production house; a music tutoring service.

Kobenhavn imports impeccably designed kitchens and storage components from Scandinavia. These logo explorations were meant to look like Kobenhavn's products, as seen on an architectural plan.

Photos don't make good logos except when they do. These were done for Asterisk Editorial Services.

The winning logo for an importer of bed linens and some of the also-rans.

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