You’ll find extensive information written by our donors themselves in the extended donor profiles. On this page, we’ll be presenting quick sketches of some of those same donors, selected from observations by our staff. Since we’ll be updating this page frequently, you might want to check back often. Ace Ace is a very likeable guy who you can tell has a very positive outlook on life, living it to the fullest. When talking to Ace it is clear that he is a smart guy with a good heart and someone who has had great life experiences. Ace recently cut his hair and now sports a crew cut. Alvin Alvin is a young, handsome southern European looking guy. He looks very athletic and often shows up wearing sporty, but stylish clothes. He wears his hair short. Alvin is an upbeat, humorous, ambitious guy currently attending college. Avery Avery can be characterized as a calm, well spoken, serious and friendly guy. He has short brown hair, broad shoulders, and looks to be in good shape. Avery works in the financial district and shows up at the office wearing professioal work attire. Ben# Ben is a good looking biracial donor whose passion is music. He always seems like he’s in a good mood despite living the turbulent lifestyle of a musician. He often travels across the world to perform. He wears his hair very short, almost a crew cut. Ben is a non-anonymous donor. Birk No staff impression for this donor. Bob Bob is a new donor. His baby photos and extended profile are now available. Bond Bond is an athletic, well groomed, handsome looking young professional. He has very clean skin, shows up at the office in a suit and tie. He is very articulate and calm and has a very cool demeanor. Bond is always willing to help out and seems to be a very responsible and happy person. Brad Brad is a guy with a positive outlook on life. When interacting with the staff he often jokes around, and all of the staff agree that he is a funny, sociable guy. He spends a lot of time working in the outdoors, resulting in a deep dark tan in the summer months.
Brad Brad is a guy with a positive outlook on life. When interacting with the staff he often jokes around, and all of the staff agree that he is a funny, sociable guy. He spends a lot of time working in the outdoors, resulting in a deep dark tan in the summer months. Buck It is easy to tell that Buck donates for altruistic reasons. He is a very intelligent young man who is extremely courteous when interacting with the staff. Cliff Cliff always shows up in a very good mood and is always up for a little chat with the staff. He is a very well spoken and charming donor who loves to travel and has a special affection for Germany. Cliff is also an intelligent and ambitious guy with a very good sense of his surroundings. He is definitely a guy that our male staff would wish to have as a brother-in-law and that our female staff wouldn’t mind using as a donor. Cliff has a round shaped face with large round blue eyes. The staff agree that he bares a striking resemblance to the cyclist, Lance Armstrong. Don Don is a sincere, caring guy. He works as a teacher in the inner city. Don always greets you with a smile and his good mood tends to rub off on you. He wears his dark hair longer than average and is always well dressed - a very presentable man. Drew# Drew is a new open identity donor. He is a college student attending NYU. Erin# Erin is a polite, quiet donor. He is a student and seems like a smart guy and is always friendly when visiting the office or corresponding via e-mail. He asks many questions and seems very interested in helping out by donating. He is of a slim build and wears his hair longer than average. Erin is an open identity donor. Eske No available for this donor. Gorm Gorm is friendly and has a nice personality. He is charming and always seems happy and open about what he does and who he is. He is involved and concerned about what he does and what he is part of and has a natural interest in the work that goes on in the laboratory. Gorm appreciates a healthy life style and puts an effort in eating right and he exercises all year round to stay in shape. He looks very fit and has a great posture.” Ian Ian is a very calm, articulate guy.
Ian Ian is a very calm, articulate guy. Irwin Irwin is one of our more quiet donors. He is always very respectful and helpful and seems like a great person. He is described by our laboratory staff as one of their favorites, characterizing him as one of the donors with the best personality. He always shows up at the office wearing nice clothes, and is a very clean-cut guy. Irwin currently works as a school teacher and plans to attend law school. Keith Keith is a timid, well mannered, friendly guy. He wears a beard, has light brown hair, and is described by our female staff as a gentleman. Kirk# Kirk is a brand new non-anonymous donor of Italian descent. He has medium length dark brown hair. Kirk has provided photos ranging from toddler to adulthood. Kirk is a compassionate guy with good looks to go along and is currently going to college in the city. Lance# Lance is an open identity donor. He is of a tall, slim build. His physical features, including blondish hair and a small nose give him a Scandinavian look. Lance is a friendly, sociable guy. A female staff member has said he is very "cute" looking. Lars “Lars is an above average looking guy. He has an average shaped head with a square shaped chin. When he smiles it brings out the best in him. His nose is perfectly proportioned to the rest of his face and his lips have a nice volume to them. He has always been a nice and loyal donor and recently became a dad. When he shows up at the sperm bank he is always interested in striking a conversation about all sorts of things, not just sperm banking. The staff at the location where he donates would have no problem in choosing him as a donor.” Mitch Ivy league educated, tall, blonde. Mitch works a demanding job at a top bank in the financial district. Monty Monty is a tall athletic and very handsome guy. He often shows up in his running gear and seems to live a very healthy lifestyle. He is a forthcoming, talkative and witty guy that often jokes around with the staff. Monty has blonde curly hair and rugged facial features and is definitely one of the staff favorite donors. Sal Sal is a very tall slim donor with a great sense of style. He has longer than average length brown hair which he styles. Sal is a friendly guy who doesn't say a whole lot.
Who has pregnancies?Since the beginning of the donor program in 1990, all our European donors have had reported pregnancies. We've only just released the first donations from our American group, and Monty and Irwin are the first donors to result in pregnancies. Pregnancies related to all of our U.S. donors will be indicated in the donor list, as they occur.Please remember to report your own pregnancy for our important birth tracking. You can inform us anonymously since the only things we need to know are the name of the donor and your zip code. Known or Anonymous donor?At Cryos, many of our donors prefer to retain complete anonymity, signing a contract that does not allow us to reveal their identities to any one, for any reason. But a growing number of our donors have elected to participate in our new Known Donor program. Known Donors agree to allow Cryos to reveal their personal information – name, birth date, full profile and contact information – to adults conceived using their donor sperm. This information can be released to the offspring when he or she turns 18, upon written request. Please note that this information will not be released to anyone else, and no personal or contact details for the offspring will be revealed to the donor. Of course, offspring who obtain contact information for their donor may choose not to make contact, and a donor located through the Known Donors program cannot be required to meet any offspring, but many donors who have chosen to participate like the idea that their offspring will have access to genetic details and other information not available to those conceived through the more typical anonymous donor procedure. A donor’s participation in the Known Donor program is indicated on his extended profile and other appropriate areas throught the Cryos web site.