H is for very high hurdles.Our interviews are thorough. We delve into personal health and sexual histories. A donor's family medical heritage is explored, going back three generations, and we look closely at his motivation for becoming a sperm donor. At Cryos we have both anonymous and non-anonymous donors. Anonymous donors renounce all paternal rights and anonymity is guaranteed. Non-anonymous donors identities are disclosed to donor children once they turn 18 years of age. During this process and at intervals for as long as we offer a donor, he is tested for STD's like chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea. We test for antibodies against HIV-I and -II, HTLV-I and -II as well as hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and hepatitis C (anti-HCV). Blood group (ABO) and karyotyping (46, XY) are also noted. Our testing regime is always growing so check the right side column on this page for a full list of our latest tests.
Each donor is screened and tested for cystic fibrosis. It is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of cystic fibrosis, but the tests performed substantially reduce the likelihood of the donor being a carrier of cystic fibrosis. At client request, we can also carry out tests for ethnic-specific diseases like sickle cell disease, thalassemia, and Tay Sachs. Complete clinical examination is performed by our doctors including current and past medical history, family medical history, physical examination and mental status. The data are entered in our registry of donors. As we test, we also build extended profiles about donor characteristics like eye color, hair color, height, weight, build, race, subtleties of appearance (complexion, for example), psychological profile, age, education, occupation and blood group. Every donor is examined and given final approval by our senior medical staff and management. Semen from a donor remains frozen in quarantine for at least six months. Once every three months after that, and for as long as we offer a donor, he is retested for the sexually transmitted diseases HIV-I and -II, syphilis (WR), gonorrhea (GC), hepatitis B and C and chlamydia. We meet the requirements of dozens of governments, regulators and health organizations worldwide. Give us a call or an e-mail if you have any questions.
D is also for download.With a few clicks, you can check out our entire list of donors, download donor profiles and place an order. If you want to know more about our donor profiles you can check out this sample profile. A word about CMV. Cytomegalovirus is a flu-like illness experienced at one time or another by about half of the human population. If you’ve had it, you’ll carry the antibodies. If you haven’t had it, the risk of acquiring a CMV infection from one of our sperm donors is quite low, though not impossible. Further, donor sperm is filtered (‘washed’ is the scientific term) in a way that removes almost all white blood cells, and this is thought to reduce the risk even more.You should consult with your physician regarding your own CMV status and the implications for your pregnancy.